Huang Liang Precision Enterprise Co., Ltd. founded in 1986. We specialize in machining metal parts with CNC Compound Lathes. Our products are widely applied to a number of industries. Furthermore, we are also renowned for professional technique, high quality and efficient service in this field.
Besides, our president, TSUNG HSUEH is not only enthusiastic about community services and activities, but also pay much attention to employees’ benefits and support to their leisure activities.
We founded a Softball Team in 2007. After training and efforts for few years, Huang Liang Softball Team has got several awards so far. It is worthwhile to celebrate that we won the third championship this year! We aim to win the forth championship next year. Our attitude - becoming better and better, is not only on the softball game, but also on our products. We implement our attitude all the time, in order to provide our best services for our customers.
Eventually, congratulate our players on winning the championship again!!!
Year | Game | Ranking |
2017 |
農16第一屆快樂壘球聯賽 (光陽舉辦) |
No.1 |
2017 | 湖東春季聯賽 | No.5 |
2016 | 湖東秋季聯賽 | No.1 |
2016 | 北高雄週六第四季聯賽 | No.7 |
2016 | 湖東春季聯賽 | No.1 |
2015 | 湖東秋季聯賽 | No.2 |
2015 | 新下週六第三季聯賽 | - |
2015 | 湖東春季聯賽 | No.2 |
2014 | 湖東秋季聯賽 | No.2 |
2010 | 燕安冬季聯賽 | - |
2009 | 燕安春季聯賽 | - |
2009 | 燕安秋季聯賽 | - |
皇亮精密企業股份有限公司成立於西元1986年,專營CNC複合自動車床加工各類材質的精密金屬零件,以專業的加工技術及高品質、高效率的製造服務聞名於CNC車铣複合製造業界,產品廣泛應用於各個產業。 董事長-薛欉 除熱心於地方服務及社區公益外,亦十分重視與支持員工福利及休閒活動,並於2007成立壘球隊,在數年的訓練與努力下,皇亮壘球隊屢創佳績,並於今年2017年拿下由光陽舉辦的農16第一屆快樂壘球聯賽 冠軍。 |