After happy Mid-Autumn Festival, November is coming soon! It means the date, which we are going to exhibit on Fastener Poland, is in the near future!!! (WOO-HOO~ Poland! Poland! Poland!)
Fastener Poland is the first international fastener trade fair to be held in Central and Eastern Europe. The exhibition will gather enterprises that are specialized in automotive sector, furniture, interior design and construction industries. Besides, the trade show will be held alongside the EUROTOOL®/BLACH-TECH EXPO trade fairs and it will provide the largest industrial services exchange in Poland as well. According to statistical data, Taiwan export approximately US$ 1.2 billion of fastener to Europe. As the second largest import country of Poland in fastener field, that would be a wonderful opportunity to take part in the fair for us.
Do not forget Huang Liang Precision have an exhibition in Fastener Poland 2017. It is a pity that if you miss the fair, so welcome to visit us on November. 28 - 30! Our booth no. is D21.
See you in Poland soon
波蘭螺絲展是東歐首場專業國際扣件展,將於克拉科夫國際展覽會議中心舉辦。本展覽將聚集汽車業、家具業、內部裝潢和建築業的廠商前來觀展。此外,同期舉辦第22屆EUROTOOL波蘭工具機展、第9屆Blach Tech Expo板金展。根據統計數據顯示,台灣螺絲每年出口歐洲約12億美元,我國更是波蘭的第二大進口國。本次展覽的機會可遇不可求啊!